It’s so nice to receive great feedback. Yesterday I had a meeting with a client for whom I had designed their branding, business card and done some work on the design of their website. I hadn’t seen them recently and asked if they had happened to have printed their business cards yet from the file I sent them. You should have seen these ladies faces light up as they raced to be the first to grab a card out of their purses to show me. They were so pleased with the results of their brand after my design and thought their business cards looked fantastic. They talked about how positive the response was from everyone who looked at their new business card and how someone had even described it as beautiful and said where did you get it done etc. I don’t normally like to brag but that made me feel really good. It’s nice to be appreciated and to have made two people so happy through the use of my design skills. I couldn’t help comparing the copy they gave me of their new card with the old one I had at home of their own attempt at designing their brand. They had also had that properly printed and I must find out who they used as a printer because they do a nice job too but (I’m sorry ladies) there was no comparison in design! They had gone from a confusing brand message that didn’t stand out or communicate to something really strong and I’m proud to have helped them get there. The addition of a spot gloss was a great decision which made the glass effect logo really come off the page. So if you were tempted to have a crack at designing your own logo with the fallacy of “How hard can it be, right?” thinking, don’t be fooled. These ladies would tell you that they feel like they are taken much more seriously in business negotiations when they hand over a card that looks professional because it was designed professionally. There is no substitute for good design.